Sunday, November 22, 2009


Many different people from many different places, following many different beliefs have many different ways of describing life in general. Some have positive views, some have negative views, some have existential, unbiased views. Here's mine:

Life is like scrambled eggs. Once cracked and scrambled, there's pretty much no way to get that egg back together with everything inside. What has happened in your life will always be there; it can't “unhappen”.

But here's the thing about scrambled eggs: people hardly ever just eat scrambled eggs alone. Some do simple things like add a little salt and pepper. Some make omelets with onions, peppers, ham, and cheese. Some go all out and make full sandwiches with bacon, sausage, and maybe some ketchup.

So you can't get back the egg you started with. So what. Take the scrambled egg you have and add a little flavor to it. Make your life taste how you want it to taste.

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