Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Striving to be closer to other people who exist in this world. Wanting to be completely understood by someone else. Needing a sense of security and comfort in the knowledge that there are others who feel what we feel.

When you find someone else, whether it’s a friend, a lover, or a neighbor, who thinks like you think, feels the way you feel, and can see what you see, never let them go. These people become inherently important in you life, and should be valued and cared for as such. These kinds of people will always be there for you whenever you need them, because they will know of your need.

You will often seem to share a singular consciousness with these friends, lovers, and neighbors. You will finish each others thoughts, or even preemptively start their thoughts for them. You will not have awkward silences, because their will be nothing awkward about the bond you share.

I have been lucky enough, in my short 19 years, to find a few people like this. I have come to know and love and connect with these people as I never thought I could. I have shared stories, smiles, hugs, laughs, tears, silences, beds, fights, walks, swims, runs, clothes, injuries, cookies, meals, car rides, roller blades, jokes, text messages, old movies, vacations, pictures, dances, phone calls, drinks, memories, and all-around adventures with people I am honored to call my friends.

I love all of you and am grateful for every last moment I get to spend with you.


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